Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tupac's Former Manager Speaks on Adult Tape Sale (Blog)

Leila Steinberg, Tupac Shakur's former manager, reacted to the sell of Tupac's adult tape selling in a recent interview.

"He taped a lot. He taped intimate moments that maybe were for himself that he never thought would be public."

Steinberg added that Pac taped a lot, and she wouldn't be surprised if more videos popped up.

"I'm sure that he documented and recorded way more than anyone will ever know. So that's why we'll continue to see things that pop up."

She also went into detail on how involved his estate is with these types of situations, saying "I don't think that 'Pac taped and didn't have an understanding that anything you tape can one day become public. I'm sure that there would not be anything exploited that wasn't agreed upon by the estate. They're pretty powerful and in control of what gets released and approved, so I would think that they were involved."

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