Tuesday, February 14, 2012

WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Drake And Common Get Into A FIGHT Backstage At The Grammys And Drake SNUFFED Common!!!

So, the Drake and Common beef just got a LOT more real . . . it's NO LONGER just music.

According to an EXTREMELY reliable (she is a celeb) insider, Drake and Common got into a FIST FIGHT backstage at the Grammys.

The insider told MediaTakeOut.com, "The two [rappers] ran into each other backstage. Common was with one of his boy, and Drake was with a SQUAD OF GOONS." The insider continued, "Drake said something and Common said something back . . . there was a commotion, and I saw Drake PUNCH COMMON IN THE CHEST."

Common walked away . . . and plainclothes police escorted him back to his seat. Wow, who knew Drizzy had it in him. YMCMB!!!

CLICK HERE For More Details...

1 comment:

  1. I really like drake and adam together...they are one hot couple! Btw i’ll see Drake in Jun and drake tickets are fetching a nice premium. at this sold out event. Drake and Josh rocked !
